What’s Happening at SHP!


  • Need for Seed: Our CT Science Center travelling program was wonderful! We chose the seed program to continue our learning after gathering seeds this fall, and before planting this winter..
    • The program consisted of 5 parts:
      • Dissecting lima beans and learning their parts (seed coat, baby plant’s food, baby plant or embryo). This elicited many giggles as parts of seeds went flying across the room when kids snapped the lima bean in half.
      • Sorting seeds with a partner
      • Looking at a giant seed (a coconut)
      • Listening to the book, The Tiny Seed
      • Noticing how seeds look different using plastic fruits
    • Some fun facts:
      • Sometimes seeds look like the plant they grow into, sometimes they don’t
      • Not all seeds turn into plants
      • Some seeds float on water, some burn up if they get too close to the sun
      • Usually small seeds grow small plants and big seeds grow big plants, but not always!
  • Guest reader: What a joy it was to watch and listen as one of our alumni, who is the sibling of a current student, read her sister’s birthday book to the class! To preschoolers who are pre-readers, it must seem almost magical to have a peer read a book like an adult. Note: If you have an older child who would like to come read to the whole class or to a group of children, I would be happy to arrange a time for them to come. Portland late opening days might work best for you, which is fine with me as long as we schedule in advance.
  • ED:  Moveable alphabet remains popular, as does the mystery word game (decoding short words). We also played racing dice, and (shhhh…) worked on a surprise book for Ms. Jenny. On Monday, about half the kids did some incredibly detailed block work (I think a whole village). By continuing to allow choice, but limiting their options in the afternoon, we are seeing some wonderfully focused work in different areas, as well as real collaboration and support in blocks, art, and more teacher-directed work.