About Us

Our Philosophy

Our Mission

At Sunny Hill Preschool, we believe in providing a classroom that is a caring, safe and equitable environment where each child can blossom and grow. We know that all children have many special gifts and that no two children are alike. Our preschool consists of a unique community of learners who vary in ages and learning styles. The teachers at Sunny Hill believe in providing children with the tools with which to cultivate their own gardens of knowledge. To accomplish this we teach to the needs of each individual child so that all learners can feel capable and successful.

The mission of the Sunny Hill Preschool is to provide a safe, developmentally appropriate, nurturing environment that promotes social, emotional, cognitive and physical growth, as well as a positive self-image and a love of learning. 


Our Teachers

Sunny Hill Preschool staff are lifelong learners who pursue growth opportunities inside and outside the classroom. The teachers learn through their interactions with parents, the community, from colleagues, and especially from the children.

Bobbi Teva first fell in love with the field of early childhood education as an intern in college. She has a Master’s Degree in Early Childhood and Elementary Education and twenty years of teaching experience, from multiple states and countries, as well as a wide variety of learning environments. Bobbi loves to share story, song, exploration and discovery with young children, is honored to guide them in their growth, and delights in watching the wonders of the world unfold through their eyes.

Jenny Bush has known she wanted to work with kids since 2nd grade. After many years of babysitting and nannying (and a detour into a Music degree), she finally got her Master’s of  Early Childhood Education and Montessori in 2013 and has worked in preschools since. The most important thing Jenny learned from Montessori is to “follow the child” and she has been happily following their lead into discoveries and learning ever since!

Megan Etheridge has been a valuable member of the SHP teaching team for many years.