What’s Happening at SHP!

  • What a joy it was to welcome moms & dads, grandmas and grandpas, and a couple of siblings to our Celebration of Gratitude! Sitting together on our group time rug, sharing some of our favorite songs with you, having the chance to express love and gratitude for families, and, of course, to enjoy the amazing tastes of blueberry muffins and “stone soup” made by your children. I feel grateful that you have trusted us with your precious children, and that, together, we are building a beautiful little community of learners.
  • Stone soup: This tradition has become one of the most special ones at Sunny Hill, and one of my personal favorites, on so many levels.
    • Community: In September, returning kids are typically excited to come back to school, but the class has changed with some kids off to kindergarten, and new faces in the crowd. The beginning of the year is about separation for some, and connection, relationships and the building of a new classroom community for all. By this time of year, we have formed a learning community, and preparing soup together, from vegetables that all have contributed, feels like a celebration of that precious feeling of community. 
    • Oral tradition/Storytelling: We read books, listen to podcasts, watch shows, but how often do we connect with our human past through storytelling? The dramatic retelling of our interpretation of the story of stone soup introduces the oral tradition to a new generation.
    • Reinterpretation of story: After the first telling, we leave the props out for children to use. 
    • Real work: Children strive to be a part of real, useful work, and they are absolutely capable of doing so, with guidance. Learning to use appropriate adult tools safely (like vegetable peelers), or using kid versions that work (like kid knives), gives them that sense of accomplishment, of autonomy, of contributing to something meaningful that we all need to feel.
    • Healthy, adventurous eating: There is a special pride and joy in making your own food, and sometimes it can lead to trying new things. There is so much excitement involved in kids choosing vegetables, peeling and cutting vegetables, telling the story, wondering if there really is a stone in the soup (yes!), that they just might try a whole bunch of vegetables they have never tried before:)
  • Sunny Hill Preschool Gratitude Tree: A Sunny Hill Gratitude tree is now growing leaves, among other things. Children are invited, and will continue to be invited, to add things that they are grateful for in school to the tree, and to fill it with their creations and love.


  • Stone Soup – a dramatic retelling


  • Little Johnny Brown
  • Thanks be
  • Ram Sam Sam
  • Willaby Wallaby


  • Proof of flu vaccine needed: All students and staff are required to provide proof of annual flu vaccines prior to 12/31. If your child has already received their vaccine, be sure to email or bring me the paperwork for their file. If not, be sure to schedule a time to get one by 12/31/24 and ask the doctor for printed confirmation to bring to preschool.
  • Preschool Developmental Screening: If you are a Portland resident and have any questions or concerns about your 3-4 year old’s physical and/or emotional development, you may call Valley View school to schedule a free screening (offered monthly) at 860-342-3131.

Upcoming Dates:

11/25 Butter Braid delivery day – plan to pick up your order today if you can

11/26-29 No school – Thanksgiving Break

12/23-1/2 No school – Winter Break

12/31 Proof of flu vaccination due!! (When you get it, bring it in – no need to wait)

1/3 2025-2026 Enrollment opens for returning families

1/15 Sunny Hill Open House 4:30-6:00 for 2025-2026! Please spread the word!!